Sunday, December 5, 2010


I came down stairs and DJ was helping me out by screwing a handful of screws in the fireplace. In the beginning I constantly looking for my tools. After about a week I realized I just need to ask my little helper where it was. He always knew.

Deer Camp 2010

Deer Camp. Once again no blood on our hands. Lots of cards and gas.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Black Boogers

Sick of the black boogers. For two months now my better half and I have been re-modeling our basement. The destruction is over and the "construction" is in process. The goal is to be finished by Christmas. All I want for Christmas is my black boogers to go away.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mud Pies on a Saturday

Heaven on Earth

Friday, September 24, 2010

5 for Fighting

Mr. Goo in the penalty box.....again.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bear Grylls - Wannabe

Mr. L caught a mighty serpant.....

Do as Bear Grylls does.... that my motto.

Start'm Young

Drinking and guns just doesn't mix!!!
Boys will be boys!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sharpen The Edges

Tailgate Alaska Un-Cut Episode 1 from TAILGATE ALASKA on Vimeo.

Some very crazy dudes carving the slopes.

2000 Hits

Broke 2000 hits today! Assuming the average person spends 3 minutes looking at stuff on my site.... that means (2000 x 3 = 6000 minutes divided by 60 = 100 hours)

That means you people have wasted 100 hours of your lives checking out the mud, blood, and boys!



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trivia Tuesday

First off I know it is not Tuesday.

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy, admitted in an interview that his mom never hugged or kissed him for fear of germs. He's been seeking that affection his whole life. If his mom had only showed him genuine love, perhaps Hugh could have put his incredible business savvy to better use.

A big thanks to my better half for loving my boys with all her heart (Regardless of thier germs). Now my boys won't grow up to be psychos like Hugh.

Side note: don't do a search at work for the playboy bunny ears to put in your blog. You get more than you bargin for.....

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Beav Scores !!

2nd and 5 to go.
Coming around the end.
TOUCHDOWN!!!! The Beav takes the rock to the house!!
Giving him the smack down baby!!

(Not so) Big Bootie

While enjoying Beav's game, DJ was practicing his running skills in front of the grand stands. He needed a belt.

Does my face make me look fat?

While playing in the sandpile Mr. L was attacked (stung) by a wasp on his cheek. His face swelled up beautifully. The best part... he was the ring bearer for his aunts wedding the next day.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dissapate the Energy

While helping coach Easter's football team I noticed his helmet looked like it was a little dated. The kid can hit and regularly lights up his teamates during practice. Pound for pound he is the hardest hitter on the team. (I'm a little biased) That said, I was interested in what kind of helmets the other normal football leagues were enjoying. I did a quick search and came upon this bad boy... The Bulwark. Looks like a normal helmet but the true innovation lies on top of that shell: a shock-absorbing layer of pre-molded foam. Looks cool. I'll tell Easter to save his pennies.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Sent to the Salt Lake Trib

Recently the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that 12-foot-high crosses honoring fallen members of the Utah Highway Patrol effectively endorse Christianity and violate the separation of church and state by going beyond the “more humble spirit of small roadside crosses.” The court basically said these crosses sent an unconstitutional religious message to motorists on the state’s highways. What has this Nation been reduced to? Why don’t we just slap the wives and children of the fallen officer’s right in the face? It would hurt less. Has the Appeals Court forgotten what is printed on our Nations money? It states, “In God We Trust.” Does the Nations flag fly in its court? You know the one we require new citizens to pledge their allegiance to and say the, “One Nation under God” part. Or is that left out because it sends an unconstitutional religious message? I’d be interested to hear how the Appeals court justifies the existence of Arlington National Cemetery. Or maybe the word “cemetery” makes it alright to honor those who died for us. Whether the Appeals Court likes it or not these fallen officers were in the act of protecting people, regardless of their religious beliefs, when they were killed. The thought that the cross as the court states, “may lead the reasonable observer to fear that Christians are likely to receive preferential treatment from the UHP – both in their hiring practices and , more generally, in the treatment that people may expect to receive on Utah’s highways” is flat out absurd. It is well within the purview of the state of Utah to put a cross on the highway where a Christian officer fell. As it is proper to put a Star of David where a Jewish officer fell. Or a Crescent Moon where a Muslim officer fell AND to put up NOTHING where an Athiest officer fell. I’m proud to be an American but this sure does tarnish the shine. On behalf of this state, I want to say thanks to the Utah Highway Patrol for protecting me and my family while this nonsense takes place. God bless the fallen UHP officers and their families… yeah I said, “God.”

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anyone up for a Candwich?

How sad is this.... the basic staple of life has been reduced to a can. I mean it is bad enough that you can buy a jar of peanut butter and jelly IN THE SAME JAR. But now you can buy the sandwich IN A CAN. That just ruins it for me. Cans are meant for Diet Coke and Pringles.... NOT sandwiches. What is this world coming to? I'm convinced the second coming is just around the corner. I feel like its time to "open up a can" on this stupid idea.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Old While Staying Young

The other night at 6:00am my youngest boy yelled out, "I need to go poo" from his crib/cage. I hopped out of bed and helped him get out of his crib/cage. (Yeah we have a net thingy that goes over his crib... thus the cage too) Best purchase of the year. Yet I degress... back to the poo.. While he was "taking the browns to the superbowl" I realized THIS IS IT! He has made the turn! We no longer need to buy diapers ever again. For 16 years straight we have bought diapers for our stinking little whippersnappers. 16 years!!!! We are free. Free at last. Free at last. That has to be $30 or $40 bucks a month in extra sweet mulla. (I have no idea)

I pondered as he pooped.

Then it hit me. In the same week my son DJ joined the tighty whitey crew, my oldest son Beav(I have 5 of them)joined the, "Can I borrow your keys and get some gas money" Crew. (there goes my $30 or $40 extra sweet mulla)

Can't help but feel a little older... I just wish I would grow up a little. Oh and that DJ would wipe before he slid off the toilet seat.

Dad to the Bone.

It is that time again !!!

Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser.
Vince Lombardi

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hold to The Rod

One of these things is not like the other....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

TREK 2010

Mr. Cheese Wiz

The Western Warrior Trek Family

Monday, July 26, 2010

3 Stitches and 1 DJ


After - 3 Stitches

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Party Time

Monday, July 19, 2010

23 Days and Counting

No Coke!!!!! Free at last. Free at last.

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 Days and Counting

I've been dry for 6 Days. My mom read this ad and got me hooked at age 5. I haven't been the same since.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Same Kid. Same Blood. Different Day.

This is what happens when Goo has a pillow and sees your face in the carpet. Bam to the back of the head! Easters tooth went through his lip and punctured a hole out the other side. I love my BOYS!!!

Oh by the way check out my June 7th post.

Day 2 of P90X

Okay what was I thinking. I'm out of shape way to far to be trying this program out. I could hardly get out of bed this morning. The Plyometrics stuff.... for the birds. It kicked my ars then handed it back to me. Goo and I were grunting and moaning trying to eek out 50% of the Ab Ripper video. Only 88 more days of this pain and suffering to go.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hawks Rest - Yellowstone

Head'm Up!! Still fresh with lots of smiles.
Large Grizzly Track. Glad I had a gun. Not much good it would do though.

Beav's horse went head first in the swamp. He was smiling but the Horse was not. She had her ears laid back and was ready for a fight.
Trophy Wolf Track. We heard a few wolves howling in the night. Seeing this just made the fur on my neck stand up. HUGE!!!
Dad's Fish.
Dad and Beav taking a break.
The Horse Crew. Having Fun!!!


Van #2 Trust me there was a smelly smell...
The Boss grabbing a sip. Way to go!!!!

Looking Hot!!!

Camping In The Mud !!!

Heading up to the East Fork Yurt

The Crew (Most of us are having fun)

Happy Birthday GOO!!!

Home Sweet Home!

Heading Home. Big D. found a nice spot for the hike out. Too Much Fun!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Got Bear Spray?

My family thinks I'm a wuss because I'm "cautious" (not scared) of bears. Especially the GRIZZLY type. Those kind of bears that chew you like you are a piece of jerky. The kind that silently sneek into your camp and rip you from your tent. As we head into the most remote area of the lower 48 states... that area where there are more GRIZZLY Bears per square mile than any other area other than Alaska.... I made sure my little "check list" included some bear spray. Maybe you should too....
The Facts:
1- Most people who are attacked, 0wn (or have owned as the case may be) labradoodles.
2- Most people who are attacked own trucks.
3- Most people who are attacked work in the Real Estate industry in some form or another.
4- Most people who are attacked own their own business.
These facts sound weird I know... but they are the facts. I've done a great deal of research on this. If you don't believe me just ask the President of Pepper Power, Mr. Mark Methany at
Oh... I'm bringing my gun too.... but I've already filed the sights off so it won't hurt so much when the bear shoves it...... never mind.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

White Trash Fun

My brother-in-law and son taking care of their food storage for the year. Shot guns and gigging sticks. Yum!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Didn't See It Coming

Make note to self.... Never open your little brother's eyes when he is asleep. He'll punch you in the nose.

Feeding The Family

Beav and I knocking down a few duckies. Does this freaky grass looking suit make my face look fat?

Murray Park

This is the park that Goo did his Trialthon at a few years ago. Crazy flooding.